Diana and Grant, our featured wedding couple, were married outdoors at the Villa overlooking the sunken garden and lily pool. The Italian Cypress trees framed the ceremony and they were fortunate to have a nice breeze on the warm August day.
The color scheme for this wedding was pool blue and red. We threw in hints of pink as well, to keep the look from being patriotic. The fans were given to each guest to keep themselves cool during the ceremony.

The bridal bouquet consisted of garden roses, tuberose, mokara orchids, fiddlehead fern, spray roses, dusty miller, and peonies. It was the last of the full bloomed peony season, so we lucked out.
We used a wooden arch to create the backdrop and kept it light and airy with ribbons and crystals. It was a buddhist ceremony, which featured trays of fruit on the table as well as candles which are traditionally lit by the bride and groom's fathers.
We used a wooden arch to create the backdrop and kept it light and airy with ribbons and crystals. It was a buddhist ceremony, which featured trays of fruit on the table as well as candles which are traditionally lit by the bride and groom's fathers.
We're going to be posting more pictures when we do our website revamp so I don't want to spoil it with too many pictures. But check back again soon to read about our next featured wedding. :)